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Texas Rose Festival

Everything’s Coming up Roses in Texas!

Born and raised or brand new, you know Texans love our festivals. Celebrating your home town is the only sentiment that even dares to gain on the general pride of being a Texan. At Texicureans, we love visiting local celebrations and finding the recipes that share their community roots. This month, we are introducing you to Anna Katheryn Schultz and the Texas Rose Festival.

You see, Anna’s great-grandfather helped found the Rose industry in Tyler, Texas and Anna’s mother planted the seeds of southern cooking in her heart. So let’s go to the “Rose Capital of America” and get you a homemade recipe from Anna’s Tuesday Takeout. You’ll be astounded by both.

Texas Rose Festival

Everything is bigger in Texas!  When it comes to the Texas Rose Festival – brilliant, awing, and just plain “over the top” are adjectives that dominate.

October 19th – 22nd.  celebrates the 90th Annual Texas Rose Festival with the theme – “The Story of Film”.  For more information on event dates and times, and to purchase Tickets, go to  www.texasrosefestival.com or call 903.566.7424

Tyler Texas, population approximately 100,000, is epicenter of East Texas medical, economic, educational, and justice systems.  But during the month of October, its title of “Rose Capital of America “prevails.  Home to the largest rose garden in the US, Tyler at one time raised 50% of the domestic roses.

So, of course a festival celebrating this beloved flower would ensue!  Begun in 1933, the festival has grown to a lively, well-orchestrated affair with many events.

I caught up with  Tom Brown, 2022 President of the TRF (Texas Rose Festival) for his unique perspective:  “The TRF began as a way of celebrating the “rose”, which is now the National flower – recognized under the Reagan Administration.  Events include the Coronation – a showcase of jaw-dropping costumes, a Queen’s Tea in the Tyler Rose Garden(the largest municipal rose garden in the US), Men’s luncheon, and a full throttle Rose parade.  Participants in the festival are primarily from Texas, but safe to say probably 20 or more states are represented each year.”

Tom adds, “The Texas Rose Festival gives back to the community in several ways, including providing several full year scholarships to deserving students at both Tyler Junior College, and the University of Texas at Tyler.  Also, the college participants serve all year in various capacities at area nonprofits, including The Food Bank.”

Most importantly,  “The TRF is about community and there is something for everyone,” emphasizes Tom. From my experience attending last year, I can safely say you will be flabbergasted at the pageantry!

Recipe – Roasted Poblano Corn Pudding

For our recipe this month, I spent a lovely afternoon with Tyler native daughter, Anna Katheryn Schultz.  A 5th generation Texan, her great-grandfather in the 1920’s was one of the founding members of the Rose industry in Tyler.  The sandy, acidic soil on their land was perfect for roses and he began shipping roses world-wide in the 1930’s.

Inspired by both her parents and particularly her grandmother who was a quintessential southern cook, Anna Katheryn founded Tuesday Takeout. Cars line up for her delectable dishes designed to be a taste of home, without the work.  She conceived the idea that enjoying a quality meal at home should be open to the busiest of folks.

Anna says, “Everything I do is from scratch and it’s something I would serve at home if you were my guest.”

We prepared Roasted Poblano Corn Pudding – a staple on her Fall menu.  Perfect as a side dish anytime, and particularly enjoyable for Texas holiday, it is a comforting conglomeration of flavors.  And did I mention your kitchen will smell wonderful?

Get the recipe here!

Watch the video here!