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Mint Cream Pie

This pie brings back great memories for me!  My mom made it quite often – she always had fresh mint on hand.  I literally thought the recipe had become lost, but I found it at the very back of her card file. When I made it for my family, it was an immediate success!  The …

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Blueberry Margarita

I love this cocktail for many reasons – always good to get blueberries in your diet, it makes two servings, AND it is fresh and simple. The color is beautiful – a rich hue that just says “chillin out in summer”! Quite frankly – you can use a muddler  (I only had a wooden salad …

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Fresh Tomato Sweet Corn Salad

What tastes better in summer than a home grown tomato?  If you are lucky enough to have a garden or friends that share – H G tomatoes are the bomb! If not, this fresh, delightful salad combines the two stars of this season that you can easily find at the grocery store – tomatoes and …

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Chill Dill Cucumber Soup

Cool, refreshing, and literally lunch in a bowl – this chilled soup will make your warm summer days happy! Cucumbers combined with dill and tarragon give depth of flavor.  The yogurt is full of protein.  And throw in some Texas olive oil – YUM! Fresh dill is amazing in this soup, but if you only …

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Herb Butter Drop Biscuits

Biscuits: Yum.  Biscuits with a herb butter: Amazing! A food processor and simply dropping the biscuits make prep super easy.  And melding the herbs into butter is a fragrant gift. For brunch you can add an egg dish.  For lunch – a salad.  And for dinner – well that Soul Food recipe last week is …

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Lemon Curd

Lemon curd is a time-honored filling for a layer cake.  A layer cake creates the WOW in the dessert arena.  They are really not much trouble, and an occasion becomes even more special with this spectacular filling. Another of Margaret Lea Houston’s recipes, and a  southern favorite.  You can look like a star by making …

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Shiny Chocolate Icing

A tasty recipe from the tough and legendary Margaret Lea Houston  Texas women are strong. That’s no secret. Don’t think so? Well, have you met one? As Texicureans, we love to blend our curiosity of history and food together to give you a good story. We went to Burleson County to speak at their heritage …

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Sautéed Garlicky Broccoli

Sometimes it’s just the simple recipes that bear repeating for our everyday dinners.  Broccoli is by far the most commonly consumed cruciferous vegetable in America.  Studies have established a link between cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention. And it’s just good!  I love this recipe because the broccoli is first sautéed in  garlic, onion, and EVOO. …

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